Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Beginning :: My Eat Clean Story

I am equally stoked to finally be able to share some information and thoughts, hopefully to inspire others at the end of the day! Many times, I am often asked what I eat or what workouts I do that have helped me shed all those pounds, so here it goes, hope it will help you discover the joys of eating clean as well!

When I first adopted this new healthy lifestyle regime in 2012, I got to admit that my primary concern was losing weight. Here's my story...

Exactly a year ago or so, vividly remembering the date as 16 Dec 2012, I was tipping the scale at 80 kg. Having that to be my wake up call, I decided to go for a change, wanting not only to look good on the outside, but also to feel good inside out. 

It wasn't easy as I learnt that there's no shortcut in shedding those pounds. I first started off by going for Muay Thai training religiously and by that I meant, going 5-6 times a week, 1-1.5 hours each, for 9 months. And not only that, I also revamped my food diet, from high protein diet, to low carbs, and finally, to clean-eating. And with that, my weight dropped by a whopping 13 kg or so.

Starting Weight: 74 kg
Last picture (May 2013): 58 kg

However, my weight started to plateau, constantly going up and down by a kg or two, that got me frustrated. So, I decided to drop Muay Thai training as I listened to my body needs, knowing it had enough of cardio. (Yes, Muay Thai training is a form of cardio training). 

I started hitting the gym then, taking up different classes which was still cardio, while doing research on resistance training (or weight lifting). At the same time, I started to eat clean which I would share more about it on the next post.

Current Weight: 55 kg

So yeah, this is new me now! With clean eating in place and routinely hitting the gym, well what can I say, definitely feelin' much stronger and better than ever. And right now, I chose to focus on building lean muscle and be healthy inside out, rather than losing weight. :-)

So, here's some cookie to take, it's all about exercising and eating clean without any disgusting diet pills and all. And really, you can definitely enjoy the journey! 

I would be more than happy to share some clean eating recipe, as well as healthy tips on this blog. Of course, you are more than welcome to drop off some comments below. 

Alternatively, you can follow me on Instagram, @meifiesaid, for some of the clean eating recipes that I have already posted. 

Here's a toast to the new you, the beginning of new life journey, as well as my new blog! ;-)


  1. Keep it up meifie . Hahaha cool story!

  2. It's very encouraging to know that you are eating well and taking good care of yourself Meifie. And u r definitely looking great !!!
